Saturday, November 15, 2008

Benjamin's BIG news!!!!!

Benjamin killed his very first deer this morning!! He called me and woke me up to tell me - he was soooooo excited!!! It's in his blood now and he is ready to do it again!! It was a very, very big doe. His Daddy had gone over and over everything you are supposed to do before they left the house. They had only been on the stand for 15 minutes when Benjamin saw the deer. Randy put him in his lap and started the "talk" again about what all you are supposed to do....where to put the cross hairs.....blah, blah, blah. When Randy was still talking....BOOM!!!!! Benjamin had already shot the deer because he knew what to do!!! It was a perfect shot right in the kill zone. So our little boy is bringing home some meat to feed the family!!!

2 comments: said...

Congratulations!!! That's so exciting! :) and i'm sure you're excited about the meat! :)

Anders Family said...

Congratulations to Benjamin!! I know he's excited!!