Tuesday, October 28, 2008

OOHHHH!!! I'm so excited!! I have 6 comments on my first blog. You all made my day - thank you!! Keep the comments coming.

I have spent the day in Jackson. Paige had 2 Doctor appointments today which I will talk about tomorrow. It's late and I'm fixing to go to bed. My Prince Charming and Aaron should be home from Jackson in about 30 minutes. He is taking pitching/fielding/hitting lessons in Jackson on Tuesday nights. Paige has Clinicals on Wednesday's which means she gets to work at the hospital and put her nursing education into practice. She has gone to the hospital to check her patients chart so she will know what she is dealing with tomorrow. She has to be at the hospital in the morning by 6:00 a.m. She is going to make such a caring nurse!! I know people are going to be blessed by her.

Well....when we got home from Jackson today which was at 8:30 p.m., our back door was WIDE open. It really scared us because your first thought is that somebody is in your house. We have a Sherrif that lives across the street so we drove over there. He wasn't home but his wife called him and told him to come check out our house. He came over along with another Sherrif. Randy was the last one to leave our house and apparently he locked the door but didn't shut it completely. It was windy today (and freezing cold) and our Jack Russell puppy who USED to be an inside dog and has been demoted to the outside, jumped on the door and let himself in. There were bird feathers all over our bedroom floor and I found Jack (our dog) in the living room with something in his mouth that he was trying to hide. It was a bird!!! I'm surprised he didn't tear anything else up. So that was our excitment for the evening. It was 60 degrees in the house so I had to cut the heat on.

Another highlight of our day was that our yard is all cleaned up now. We had about 6 huge trees fall in our yard during Hurricane Gustav. One of them hit our house and we have some house damage too. Anyways, we had to pay to get them all removed and as of today they are gone!!! YEA!!! We can see outside our front door once again.

Good night!!!

1 comment:

brookejones said...

i never did like that dog