Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our Garden.....

Since my last post, I have been busy putting up vegetables in our garden. We haven't had a garden in many years (since Paige got sick) so I'm remembering what hard work it is. I think I have put up over 30 quarts of snap beans and close to that much in squash. We are still waiting for our okra, cucumbers, and tomatoes to be ripe. We are fixing to pull up all the beans since they aren't producing anymore and plant something else. Even though it's hard work, they taste so good.....they don't have all those chemicals on them....and it's also saving us money!!!

I had an inury last night. We planted a plum tree shortly after we moved here which was about 12 years ago. Well it has finally produced us some delicious tasting plums. So I have been busy making plum jelly also. I had my canner full of boiling water to put the jelly jars into. First I had to take the empty jars out of the canner which were full of boiling water also. I have these tongs that I use. Anyways, as I lifted one jar out and was moving it to the sink, it slipped from my tongs and all that boiling hot water ran down my arm. Oh the pain, the pain. The jar also fell right into my pan of hot jelly and ruined it and spashed jelly every where. At that point I was too much in pain to care. I had to just hold my arm in the sink and let cold water run over it. Then I went to bed and cried. It made me think what hell must be like. My burning arm is nothing compared to what it's going to be like. I am thankful and grateful that I won't have to experience that burning for eternity. The hours of burning I experienced was enough for me. Today it feels better. It's red and feels more like a bad sunburn today. I have more plum jelly to make tonight but I'm going to be VERY careful this time!!!!


destinmimi said...

Jolyne.. bless your heart! Nothing hurts like a burn... I am so sorry that happened. Gosh, you make the rest of us tired just reading about what all you do! You really are a Proverbs 31 women!!! By the way, I LOVE plum jelly!!

Anders Family said...

Oh I am so sorry. Hope you feel better soon. About 15 years ago, I got a bad muffler burn on my leg from a lawn mower, so I can definitely relate.

Amber said...

I ALWAYS think the same thing when I have a matter how small...and thank God for my salvation!